For the love of all things vintage, clever, designed, and/or delicious, we celebrate objects and rituals in all their glory!


Japan sight/ taste / find: 3/9

Day 4: Full day of visual stimulation

SIGHT: Seiya & Mami took us to visit their kids, Aika & Yume's, elementary school to talk about the difference of school & lifestyle between the States & Japan. They asked what sort of backpacks kids in the states carry....and whether we all carry guns...
I didn't even know where to begin on answering that question without feeling ashamed.

Dinner at the Minatos and hand roll 手巻き寿司 Temakizushi with super delicious & fresh fish of all sorts.

A used restaurant supply store filled with fun things of all sorts that made us want to open a restaurant just for the fun of it.

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