Here's some caption on where I took the photos (left to right in rows)
1. Mosaic tiled office building by Santa Monica Blvd.
2. Painted steps on some apt. building by Noal's apt. on S. Coronado St.
3. Painted wall at Grauman's Theater in Hollywood
4. Painted wall on some apt. building on Wilshire Blvd & S. Coronado St
5. Ceiling in the Getty Villa
6. Mosaic tiled floor at the Getty Villa
7. Painted wall at Grauman's Theater in Hollywood (I saw Jesus there..he's the real deal!)
8. Signage in the jewelery district of downtown L.A.
9. Succulents by a beach house on Venice Beach (my dream house)
That was the one thing I really enjoyed. (more photos here) Noticing the variety of patterns and colors incorporated on almost every building, shops, signs, walls, and houses....pretty much everywhere!! This is something that Seattle really lacks I think...it's just different I suppose. I'm not whinnying...but I just wish there's more decorative elements around Seattle! Most buildings are just...BLAH! Like the weather pretty much....BLEH!
Also Noal started documenting his little discoveries since he moved to LA while walking around, and he has captured even better stuff!!
Like this awesome awesome chair he found in Chinatown...of all places! The colors, patterns, and the chair itself.... everything about is just FAB-ulous!!

It's also this...6" platform shoes made with bamboo. It's eco-friendly!