For the love of all things vintage, clever, designed, and/or delicious, we celebrate objects and rituals in all their glory!
A Little Dice of Fun...
Lovely song by Fujiya & Miyagi.
My Love Hate with Rain

But despite my negative attitude towards the rain, I've been loving these adorable rain print series by La Casita De Wendy!
What a way to turn something so horrible (like the rain) into something so delightful!

Mega-Doily making some blog tours
Just when I was starting to feel a little too depressed in this cold and rainy city....there's a beam of sunshine coming out of my computer screen with little blog people smiling and waving at me.... :D
Okay, maybe that's a little creepy...
In any case, thank you all my blog friends and confidant!!
found us on fffound!

The Coveted (of all things stylish)

Petite Pomme (lovely lifestyle blog)

Crochet Spot
Chicpea Studio
Erin Everafter
Urban Flea
So Far and Yet So Close...

We first came across the shop when Jamie of Iacoli & McAllister mentioned it to us when she invited them to one of our JOIN shows. With the luck of such great exposure at the show, Jenny Klimenkoff who runs the store contacted us wanting to carry some of our Chalk figures! (there's our Mr. Rabbit in the window!)

With an unexpected mixture of objects of both great elegance and humor, I find myself mesmerized by every detail of every single item while feeling unsure if I should even be allowed to handle them!
Here's Jenny & Yelena behind the platter of hard-to-resist French Macarons from local Seattle bakery, Honore.
L&G on Apartment Therapy!

Anne gave a well-summarized post about L&G studio and the rug. On top of that she even provided a little wonderful history about doilies! What a great way to expand our knowledge on a daily biases, wouldn't you agree?
It's been great to see all the positive responses about my Mega-Doily rug. Thank you everyone! But with that said, there's still people with their oh-so-wonderful-but-not-so-positive comments.... I still thank them for taking the time to share their opinions....for my own amusement. Chuckle chuckle...oh they things they say...I friggin' LOVE it! :D
L&G on Seattle Metropolitan

Jenny of {far 4} kindly shared our mention on Seattle Metropolitan blog with a flattering write up by Laura Cassidy about Chalk series!! Woot woot!
Thanks Jenny for sharing this! Thanks Laura for the kind post!

L&G Chalk Series on D*S!

We're dancing around like we're raising the roof right now. Now.....that's REALLY exciting!!
Another Heart for El Perro

But here's a video of her new song "Change of Heart"
It's not some muscle man contest....they do some amazing mind-blowing acrobatic stuff...just insane.
Chikabird + Piano Nobile Line Debut this Weekend at UCU!

11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. both days
Seattle Center Exhibition Hall
Admission: FREE!
(and yes, convenience does matter...)
Can you stand it?!....I can barely keep my composure thinking about all their awesomeness.

Henrybuilt....Perhaps the BEST?

So, today is a big day for Dylan, since he has left (don't worry, he's not leaving me forever...I hope not) and is on the way to the Big Apple to attend tonight's Best of Year 2009 award ceremony at the Guggenheim!!

Man! It sure it's hard to type with my fingers crossed....It's all worth it.....fingers....getting cramped...
Chalk It WHAT?!
LG is excited to finally present you our "Chalk It To Me" figurine series!
Remember when we first debut these at the Ctrl+Alt+Design show back in June? Well, it turns out that they were a hit, and we've started selling these babies in awesome stores like {Far4}, and Fancy in Seattle!
But don't fret if you don't live in Seattle, because now they're available for sale on our website! Feel free to raise your hands and go "Woo Hoo!"These are our first production run of cute ceramic animal pals with a chalkboard coating. Ready to be adorned by their adopted parents (aka. you!). The line up includes a piggy bank, a horse, and an over-sized rabbit. Each is handsomely finished with satin black chalkboard coating accompanied by our chalk kit with a felt rag and a pair sharpened chalk sticks.
We'll be adding all sorts of figurines as we go, so check back frequently to our website and see what's available!
Muji + Lego=Ultimate Fun!
Dear Muji,
Why have you gone and achieved awesomeness yet again? Give the rest of us a chance will ya'?
Seriously though guys...just when I thought legos were about sold-out (star wars, sponge bob, Indiana Jones, etc) you, Muji had to come right along and inject some of that playful simplicity you so soaringly distribute to everything you touch.
The result: a simple set of legos made spectacularly and invariably more interesting via a few sheets of colored paper, a hole punch, and a few basic suggestions. You've managed to remind me exactly why legos were a childhood favorite of wasn't the razzle-dazzle space ships as much as the endless possibilities of our imaginations.
Oh, but you have failed in one respect where you have also failed in the past: making it easy for an Americans like us to get our hands on your best products. While this product doesn't appear to be available on the US Muji site, it looks to be available on the Japanese one. Why do they torture us like that?!
These brilliant little wonders will be released in Nov 27th in Japan. Would it be crazy if I got a ticket to Japan just to get theses? .......NAH!
via Design Boom