For the love of all things vintage, clever, designed, and/or delicious, we celebrate objects and rituals in all their glory!


Eating In is Totally In!

I just recently found out about this non-profit organization (through Tricia), called Eat-In. An Eat-In is a group of people gathering in public in order to share a home-cooked meal.
Essentially it's using the simple idea of a potluck to make a powerful political statement about the value of sharing food, cooking from home, and bring the communities together. These Eat-In "potlucks"can be as big as 250 plus people dining all together! AWESOME!!
The very first Eat-In meal happened in Delores Park in SF back in 2008 that coincided with Slow Food Nation. I just think it's a great way to just get people out and share an awesome meal for the hell of it! Now people have organized various Eat-Ins in different cities and countries from around the world!
This Eat-Ins took place in Stuttgart, Germany, I love how they even rolled out the red carpet to dine in the middle of a plaza!
It's totally inspiring to see the amazing images of all these gatherings...
Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Seattle??


jamie said...

oh yes! please please please can we make this happen here????

so amazing!

(ps i am always so happy when there is a little (1) next to ladies and gentlemen home on my google reader. makes me so happy.)

Audrie said...

Such a wonderful idea!!! I'm a huge fan of eating in with friends, so this just makes it a million times more fun!

Unknown said...

Hey you should look up the Slow Food Seattle. They have these at least once or twice a year. I've never been able to go, but they look awesome!

isabelle said...

this sounds wonderful! and delicious!