For the love of all things vintage, clever, designed, and/or delicious, we celebrate objects and rituals in all their glory!


Processing Max Lamb's Process

I'd like to do go to the beach and do something fun like what Max Lamb did....making this pewter stool right on the beach!

This one makes me nervous just watching it...the gigantic blade cutting a piece of lime stone and them running around it...

Summer Rides

I've been meaning to put together a road bike that I have...
I took it apart 3 years ago wanting to re-coat the frame, get color tires, leather handles & seats along with some vintage Cinelli & Campagnolo parts..and what do you know?...the frame is still there with all the parts are still in a box! Wah-wuh...

I was especially a bit discourage when I saw that I can get a custom single speed or track bike from Republic Bike for $399! You can customize the color from the frame, to the seat, the wheel, the tires, down to the chain and gears!! And it would take them less time to build a bike from scratch than me putting it back together and have it be not even rideable...what in the what was I thinking?
Just so convenient that they have a feature on their website where you can custom build a bike to see what you like...and of f course I HAD to start playing around with it!!
Started our with something like this...
... classic/unisex feel with yellow, black, and white.
....then something soft and bold at the same time...

or it could be any of these....
ah..Too many options...I can't decide....

But then again...I hate to give up on my poor torn apart bike's SO tempting to want to just get something shiny and new!! But instead of surrendering to my irresponsible desire for compulsive consumption...I'm making a commitment to work on my bike!!
Because nothing can replace the sense of accomplishment of doing something from start to finish...even if it means that it'll take me 4+ years to complete it...right? God...I sure hope so....


The FABulous Life...

There are so many great things about being our own bosses....yes...we get to design what we want, yes...we get to make our own decisions, yes...we have totally flexible work & vacation days, and yes...we get to have slow mornings with our Chemex coffee pot that takes infinite time to make a cup of coffee...
But... even with all those perks, there's still nothing that beats the awesomeness of packing & shipping orders! Heck Yeah!
I seriously can't wait to wake up in the morning JUST to do this!!

I don't even know why we design anything really...
I should just pack & ship people empty packages just for the fun of it!

Ahh...Life is....goooooooood....for now...
Just please please tell me that we won't be doing this for the rest of our lives!!


Worst Day of My Life...

I had to work last Saturday to finish the VERY last item for FAB.
But it was seriously ROUGH....probably the roughest day I ever experienced.

I had to sit outside under the blinding sun...

Then had get my picnic sheet out to sit and hand crochet the Mega-Doily Rug for the some sort of farm peasant! 

And to make matter worse....

...I had to make some honey whiskey with ginger ale & mint to stay cool & hydrated,  and eat these fresh tayberries from the local farmer's market instead of a real meal.

...this work environment is just plain absurd.

I think at some point I even fainted....but no one believed me and just said I looked like I was sun tanning...or got drunk and fell asleep!! They've never had to work in the sun, crocheting a rug while being intoxicated on a Saturday! What do they know!!

ok...maybe I doze off a bit...but not the whole time!


Some International L&G features!

We're so excited that we're getting some International press attention!
Our Superior Server Spoon in Annebelle : A Swiss Women's magazine with a great mix of fashion, design, art, current events and politics?...WHAT?  I thoughts its women only likes to read about fashion, , shopping & celebrities' tips on success, their favorite food, and their most embarrassing moments! I just love reading those insignificant stories that makes them seem more human...

Our Mega-Doily rug in  Mollie Makes : An UK Craft Magazine recently launched earlier this Summer.  The magazine is filled with everything that makes me smile. With bunch of how-to super adorable DIY projects and features of artist/crafters from all around the world.


Summer Drink Recpie for D*S Behind the Bar

We love Ryan & Alissa from one of our favorite online shop, Horne, who also carries our Superior Servers on their shop!
We couldn't be more thrilled, when Ryan asked me to write something for their Behind The Bar column for Design* Sponge!
I've always loved having picnics (especially an impromptu picnic that I did for this post!). And lately I've been really into using cucumbers...even just in water! So I came up with the this Summer Cucumber Lemon Vodka drink!  You can read the entire post HERE.

The best part of doing all this was that after taking the photos, Dylan & I got to enjoy the drinks with some friends for a real picnic! is rough.....

Have a great weekend!!


Fold & Crease

Beautiful prints then beautifully creased by John Houck.

Via But Does It Float



Fireworks Studies

This amazing book by Pierre Le Hors' 'Firework Studies' has pages after pages of beautiful black & white photos of varying moments of fireworks in the sky.

It's just amazing to look at even in a book.

I can never get sick of watching fireworks....which means that I can see myself never getting sick of looking at this book.
I suppose that's why people are willing to spend millions just for 30 minutes of entertainment....that's freedom for ya!

Happy America Weekend!!