I've been meaning to put together a road bike that I have...
I took it apart 3 years ago wanting to re-coat the frame, get color tires, leather handles & seats along with some vintage Cinelli & Campagnolo parts..and what do you know?...the frame is still there with all the parts are still in a box! Wah-wuh...
I was especially a bit discourage when I saw that I can get a custom single speed or track bike from
Republic Bike for $399! You can customize the color from the frame, to the seat, the wheel, the tires, down to the chain and gears!! And it would take them less time to build a bike from scratch than me putting it back together and have it be not even rideable...what in the what was I thinking?

Just so convenient that they have a feature on their website where you can custom build a bike to see what you like...and of f course I HAD to start playing around with it!!
Started our with something like this...

... classic/unisex feel with yellow, black, and white.

....then something soft and bold at the same time...
or it could be any of these....

ah..Too many options...I can't decide....
But then again...I hate to give up on my poor torn apart bike project...it's SO tempting to want to just get something shiny and new!! But instead of surrendering to my irresponsible desire for compulsive consumption...I'm making a commitment to work on my bike!!
Because nothing can replace the sense of accomplishment of doing something from start to finish...even if it means that it'll take me 4+ years to complete it...right? God...I sure hope so....