Here's a recap of the JOIN at the NYIGF for the 3rd time!
This time with us being in the lobby outside of the Accent on Design area turned out to be a MUCH more pleasant of a space to be in...especially when the sun is out! Just look at how everything shines on the table!

New server colors and
cake servers from L&G, and colorful big Silicone ring by
fruitsuper....and NO they're NOT eraser rings!

Here we got Chelsea H. from
plainMADE getting a little sun tanning sesh at the Javits....
Photos above by Grain
New frame light colors from
Iacoli & McAllister.
Also this time being next to
AmDC made it 100 times more fun, too!
photo by Steph Mantis
Here are some highlights from AmDC's booth:
Bracelets made with mix marble cuts celebrating the colors & patterns of the various types of stone. By
Chen Chen &
Kai Tsien Williams.
Chika and I got to trade with Patrick Kim for one of his clever
wooden tons and these lovely cutting boards with a simple rubber band at the end to keep it from slipping around. So clever & thoughtful!
Beautiful and sleek glass vessels from
Felicia Ferrone based out of Chicago.
Playful two-headed animal necklaces in various metals by
Steph Mantis! (and yes... exclamation mark is required when referring to Steph!)
...and of course, we wouldn't feel complete at the NYIGF until we have some sort of birthday celebration! and this year is no exception...
Here's Chika with her doughnut birthday cake composed by me and Christa (of
blkPINE bags). This is second time celebrating Chika's bday at the Javits and we went all out and made a doughnut tower with yummy doughnuts from
Doughnut Plant....surrounded with coconut macaroons, strawberry Pocky sticks, and flower pom pom with napkins provided by the Javits.
Yes...I know...only a master mind & a true artist can create such master piece such as this. Christa and I took MAD pride in carefully piling the doughnuts up and sprucing it all up...and all the grease spots on the box only shows how much thought went into this...